LGT Vestra
LGT Vestra
At LGT Vestra we never lose sight of the fact that it is your money that we manage. Our processes are based on achieving your goals while working entirely within your risk parameters. To create a return for you we cannot avoid risks, but we need to make sure these are in line with your willingness and capacity to take risk. As a firm that understands the importance of personal relationships, we are always happy to adapt to your individual requirements. We manage BESPOKE portfolios. Above all, we believe clients are individuals and that the portfolio should fit the client, never the other way around. When we state BESPOKE we mean it.
We prefer an ACTIVE approach to investment management. We employ a wide range of asset classes and are ready to make changes to portfolios as and when necessary. We seek out active managers who add real value to portfolios. Where we feel there are no suitable active alternatives, we will buy funds that track investment indexes. Creating above average risk adjusted returns is a key performance criterion. We will work with you to develop a suitable benchmark to measure your portfolio performance.